LA: Pro-Gun Bills Continue to Advance!
Take Action on Pro-Gun Bills Headed to the House Floor!
I am happy to report that pro-gun bills are continuing to advance through the Louisiana Legislature.
This past Wednesday, the House Committee on the Administration of Criminal Justice passed Constitutional Carry bill HB596, the Louisiana Firearm Protection Act HB118, and HB124, a bill that clarifies the type of instrumentalities covered by a concealed handgun permit.
(These bills have been sent to the House Floor and may be scheduled for a vote as early as Friday, April 30th. So please take action as soon as you can to urge your State Representative to support these pro-gun bills!)
Unfortunately, Representative McCormick’s Constitutional Carry bill HB16 did not make it out of committee.
Of the three Constitutional Carry bills filed this session, HB16 was the closest to full Constitutional Carry. I would like to thank Representative McCormick for filing HB16 and for all of our members who took action in support.
The good news is we still have a very good bill in HB596.
Prior to the hearing, Representative Fontenot, the author of the HB596, amended the bill changing the mandatory training requirement to an optional training resource available to anyone free of charge.
(For anyone who doesn’t believe in the power of grassroots, Representative Fontenot testified that the reason he amended the bill was because he received over 2,000 calls and emails in opposition to the requirement of mandatory training as a prerequisite to exercising a God-given right.)
Now, HB596 as amended would restore the right of law-abiding gun owners, 21 years and older, to Conceal Carry a handgun in the state of Louisiana without a permit in those same places an individual can Open Carry.
In addition to the pro-gun bills in the House, Senator Morris’ Constitutional Carry bill SB118 was passed by the Senate this week by a vote of 27-11, and will now move to the House Committee on the Administration of Criminal Justice.
SB118, like HB596, would restore the right of law-abiding gun owners, 21 years and older, to Conceal Carry a handgun in the state of Louisiana without a permit in those same places an individual can Open Carry.
I would like to thank everyone who sent emails, made calls, and were present at the hearing. The hearing room was overflowing with pro-gun patriots and the committee members took notice!
But we need to make sure we keep the momentum going.
Please take action and let your State Representative know that we expect them to support and defend the right of law abiding Louisianans’ to keep and bear arms!
(A quick note. The email draft provided is a sample message for you to use, but I urge you to add your own personal reasons why you support pro-gun legislation, including Constitutional Carry. Remember it is much more effective when you use your own words.
If you can, call your State Representative and ask that they vote YES on HB595, HB118, and HB124. (If you don’t know who your State Representative is, use our Legislator Lookup tool to look them up.)