LA: Speaker is set to appoint a new chairman of important Second Amendment committee!

Please CALL the Louisiana Speaker of the House at (225) 342-7263 to urge him to appoint a pro-Second Amendment chairman who will fight to defend your right to keep and bear arms!
It is a new year with a new legislative session on the horizon, and the big firearms related news out of Baton Rouge is that the Chairman of the House Administration of Criminal Justice Committee has announced his resignation from the legislature.

Louisiana Speaker of the House, Clay Schexnayder
The Administration of Criminal Justice Committee is the House committee where all firearms bills, both good and bad, start out. So, it goes without saying that this committee — and its chairman — play a crucial role in both the defense and advancement of our Second Amendment-protected rights.
The new chairman will be appointed by Louisiana Speaker of the House, Clay Schexnayder, who also appointed the outgoing chairman, Democrat Ted James. Unfortunately for gun owners, James was one of the most anti-Second Amendment members of the Louisiana Legislature.
Now the Speaker will have a second chance to appoint a pro-Second Amendment chairman, and we have the opportunity to let him know that we expect him to do just that.
So, I ask that you please call Speaker Schexnayder at (225) 342-7263 and urge him to appoint a pro-Second Amendment chairman to the Administration of Criminal Justice Committee to fight for our right to keep and bear arms!
If you don’t know what to say, consider the following as a sample script:
Hello, Mr. Speaker, I’m a voter in Louisiana and a supporter of Gun Owners of America. Please appoint a pro-gun representative to head the Administration of Criminal Justice Committee. Because many gun bills are heard on this committee, it’s leadership should be respectful of the right to keep and bear arms. Gun Owners of America will keep me informed on this issue.
As always, be polite in your call.