KY: Take action to restore your rights!
Urge House to move on H.B. 122, H.B. 123, H.B. 124, H.B. 158
Dear friend,
As Kentucky gun owners, we have seen our grassroots efforts make great strides in restoring Kentucky’s Second Amendment freedoms. The fight, however, is far from over and your activism is needed once more!
Rep. Savannah Maddox (KY-61) has introduced four bills that would bolster our gun rights here in Kentucky in a big way.
- H.B. 122 would lower the Constitutional Carry age from 21 to 18. In the Bluegrass State, 18-year-old adults can open carry handguns without a permit. Full Constitutional carry is the next step to ensure all adults in Kentucky can effectively carry, open or concealed, for self-protection.
- H.B. 124 would seek to eliminate so-called “gun-free” zones and give law-abiding Kentuckians a fighting chance. If tragic events have taught us anything, it is that bad guys always prefer gun-free zones for their evil acts.
- H.B. 158,the Kentucky Second Amendment Act, would prohibit state and local officials from cooperating with federal agencies and receiving funding for the enforcement of federal gun control measures deemed to be in violation of the Second Amendment.
- H.B. 123, the Firearm Industry Nondiscrimination Act, would prevent discriminatory practices against firearm and ammunition manufacturers, as well as retailers, distributors, shooting ranges, and other entities within the firearm industry. Note: this bill passed in the Kentucky House last year and died in the Senate.
Just like with Constitutional Carry in the past, some naysayers claim these bills don’t have a chance. But Kentuckians need to make their voices heard! It’s only because of the grassroots outcry that Constitutional Carry passed. With your activism, we can do it again!
What can you do?
Easy! Contact your state representative above. Urge them to move on H.B. 122, H.B. 123, H.B. 124 and H.B. 158!
Will Governor Andy Beshear Veto any pro-gun bills?
Yes, undoubtedly our current administration would veto any pro-gun legislation that passes through the House and Senate. Luckily for Kentuckians, conservatives control the super majority and can override any veto! With that being said, some politicians have terrible track records of voting for the right to keep and bear arms when it really counts. It’s up to you and me to hold them to their oaths and promises. Take Action!
Learn More
Please consider watching and sharing my call to action for these bills! It’s important all Kentucky gun owners get involved in this fight.
GOA will keep you informed on what’s going on with these bills moving forward. Right now, it’s your turn to urge your state representative to move on pro-gun legislation!
Thank you for standing with Gun Owners of America.