Petraeus poor pick for gun rights?
Petraeus poor pick for gun rights?
“David Petraeus is co-founder of Veterans for Common Sense to create this impression that veterans and military people think that there should be no Second Amendment rights in America – and that’s a particularly insidious notion,” Hammond asserted.
Petraeus poor pick for gun rights?
A pro-gun organization is expressing strong opposition to former Central Intelligence (CIA) Director David Petraeus from being selected by President-elect Trump to be secretary of state.
Petraeus’ qualification to be secretary of state has already been called into question because he was compelled to resign as CIA director back in November 2012 – after pleading guilty to leaking classified information to a biographer with whom he was having an extramarital affair.
But Gun Owners of America (GOA) Legislative Council Mike Hammond contends that Petraeus’ “Clinton-like” disregard for American security is the least of his problems.
“David Petraeus is co-founder of Veterans for Common Sense to create this impression that veterans and military people think that there should be no Second Amendment rights in America – and that’s a particularly insidious notion,” Hammond asserted.
The gun rights advocate maintains that as Secretary of State, Petraeus would play a key role in deciding whether to remove the United States from United Nations Arms Treaties
“We signed the Arms Trade Treaty,” Hammond pointed out. “There’s a fundamental question as to whether we’re going to withdraw our signature from it. And the secretary of state is going to play a major role on that. Similarly the Small Arms Treaty the secretary of state will determine whether or not this administration pushes the gun control in that treaty or removes us from it.”
Hammond recounted that Trump was elected with the broad support of members of the Second Amendment community, and GOA believes it would be a huge mistake to begin his transition by putting an anti-gun activist in a position where he could regulate and ban guns.