Obama’s Parting Shots

Obama’s Parting Shots

“Obama administration moves to put gunsmiths out of business,” GOA said in a headline. “Gun owners understand that, notwithstanding the Obama administration’s dishonest protests to the contrary, the clear intention of this regulation is to effectively make gunsmithing illegal.”

 Obama’s Parting Shots

“[T]he most anti-gun president in American history” isn’t going away without doing everything in his power to impose infringements he couldn’t get passed by the people’s representatives.

The “big three” in his anti-gun executive overreach swan song? The Arms Trade Treaty, crippling State Department rules and “fees” for gunsmiths, and ceding US control of the internet to the globalists….

[1] “Given Obama’s record of expansively interpreting statutes—and even ignoring them—we have to assume that the UN Arms Trade Treaty would be implemented in the broadest possible manner,” Gun Owners of America weighed in. “The goal appeared to be put everything in place so a future, Democrat-dominated Senate could revisit the ATT, ratify it, and get the US on the road to international gun control.”…

[2] “[T]he US State Department’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC), which is primarily responsible for administering the Arms Export Control Act (AECA) and its implementing rules, the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) … is labeling commercial gunsmiths as ‘manufacturers’ for performing relatively simple work such as threading a barrel or fabricating a small custom part for an older firearm,” NRA-ILA warned, referencing another in-your-face Obama attack. “Under the AECA, ‘manufacturers’ are required to register with DDTC at significant expense or risk onerous criminal penalties.

“The AECA/ITAR require anybody who engages in the business of ‘manufacturing’ a defense article to register with DDTC and pay a registration fee that for new applicants is currently $2,250 per year,” ILA explained. “These requirements apply, even if the business does not, and does not intend to, export any defense article.

“As with prior executive actions on guns, the administration released its dictate suddenly and without advance warning to or prior input from affected businesses, completely bypassing the normal formalities associated with a significant rulemaking,” ILA elaborated. Care to guess why?

“Obama administration moves to put gunsmiths out of business,” GOA said in a headline for a post more bluntly explaining the dangers. “Gun owners understand that, notwithstanding the Obama administration’s dishonest protests to the contrary, the clear intention of this regulation is to effectively make gunsmithing illegal.”…

[3] “US hands internet control to ICANN,” technology news and review site CNET reported in early October. “Capping a highly politicized debate, the US government … let go of its remaining grip on the internet, handing control of the net’s address book to a nonprofit.

“The transfer involved the internet’s domain name system, or DNS, which translates the Web addresses you type into your browser … into the numerical language that net-connected computers use to communicate,” the report explained.

ICANN? DNS? Numerical language?

That would be the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, a globalist non-profit with the slogan “One world. One internet.”

OK, but it’s still not clear why gun owners should be concerned.

“[Sen. Ted] Cruz and other critics had argued the transfer could lead to authoritarian countries taking control of the internet and eventually censoring content throughout the world,” CNET reported. “But a federal judge denied … their request for an injunction and the scheduled handoff took place….”

“ICANN is a technical organization and does not have the remit or ability to regulate content on the internet,” the group responded, denying and dismissing such concerns. “That is true under the current contract with the US government and will remain true without the contract with the US government.”

Case closed? Nothing to see here? Not so fast, GOA warns.

“According to the former publisher of the Wall Street Journal, L. Gordon Crovitz, ICANN would lose its antitrust exemption once its contract with the US ended. If this happened, an antitrust lawsuit could blow ICANN out of existence,” GOA explains. “So to avoid extinction, ICANN would have to affiliate with a ‘government-like’ organization like the United Nations. And this is what it would be expected to do.

And that, per GOA, opens the door for “anti-gun censorship.”

How all this will play out is something we can only guess at. But here’s something none of us need to be fortune tellers to predict:

“Obama implies he’ll be more vocal about issues after he leaves office,” McClatchy DC reports.

It’s a safe bet that no matter who replaces him, he’ll still be stumping for edicts aimed at disarming us “bitter clingers.”

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