Oppose Red Flag Gun Grabs in Colorado!
Colorado House Committee Passes Gun Confiscation
Take Action below to EMAIL your State Lawmakers to OPPOSE Red Flag Gun Grabs!
Urge your State Lawmakers to OPPOSE Red Flag Gun Grabs
New York-style gun control may be on its way to Colorado, as a so-called “red flag” bill passed out of the House Judiciary Committee recently.
The bill, House Bill 19-1177, was drafted by one of the many minions working for New York billionaire Michael Bloomberg, who is using his vast fortune to buy up states like Colorado for his anti-gun cause.
Under this bill, the police or an “angry ex” can make a telephone call to a judge, requesting that you be stripped of your Second, Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendment rights.
They don’t have to demonstrate that you have committed a crime. They don’t have to demonstrate that there is any chance that you will ever commit a crime.
Rather, all they have to show is that you are — subjectively, “dangerous” to someone — and they only have to show the very low legal standard of “preponderance of the evidence.” That’s all it takes for you to be stripped of your constitutional rights.
And it doesn’t end there. We’ve had some experience with “emergency telephone calls” like this. And, when only the hysterical accuser is on the line, a pliant judge will normally sign anything that is put before him.
In neighboring New Mexico, one judge issued a restraining order against Dave Letterman for supposedly sending coded messages to a New Mexico housewife, by way of her TV set.
So, after the rubber-stamp judge has given the okay to a telephone request, you lose your constitutional rights with NO DUE PROCESS. The next thing that happens is that the police arrive at your door in the middle of the night, ready to ransack your house and, if you resist, to arrest or kill you.
If you think this couldn’t happen, you should consider the case of 60-year-old Gary Willis of Ferndale, Maryland, who was shot to death by police serving a “red flag” order at 5:17 a.m. — after he, not unreasonably, came to the door with a gun in his hand.
Sure, you’ll get a hearing in 14 days — where you can try to convince the judge he made a mistake. Your lawyer will be appointed by the court. And he will probably be a legal defender with little or no experience and a huge caseload. And he will probably do his best to convince you that relinquishing all of your guns will be the best course of action.
But no matter. In circumstances like these, judges NEVER rule for the gun owner.
One more consideration: You would think that even anti-gun liberals would have some problem with giving police the ability to get a rubber-stamped order to raid the home of suspected illegal immigrants, based on an allegation that they are “dangerous.”
And those who believe late-night confrontations with police are more likely to produce fatal results for minorities might want to lay aside their hatred of guns — and consider where the suspension of due process might lead.
But, if you want to turn Colorado gun ownership into some horrible nightmare, House Bill 19-1177 is your vehicle. If not, there may still be time to stop it.
The key in the Colorado state Senate lie in nine senators — three Republicans and six Democrats who have not yet staked out their position on this issue.
So please take action above and urge your state lawmakers to OPPOSE Red Flag Gun Grabs!