Vote Roy Moore Tomorrow!
Join Gun Owners of America today and double your contribution with our matching fund!
Oust the establishment’s handpicked successor
Alabama’s Republican primary election, to choose a replacement for Jeff Sessions, is TOMORROW.
And it’s important for gun owners to stand with the GOA-endorsed Roy Moore.
Moore is the ONLY candidate that is 100 percent in favor of your gun rights.
He’ll fight for concealed carry and suppressor deregulation.
And he’s not the establishment’s handpicked “swamp creature” replacement.
Moore has consistently stood for gun owners, and now it’s time for gun owners to stand for Roy Moore.
Vote Roy Moore in tomorrow’s election.
In Liberty,
Tim Macy
Gun Owners of America
PS: GOA is rallying support for our last-minute victory fund. Consider chipping in $20, $50, or $100 to help elect no-compromise gun rights candidates.