GOA Releases House and Senate Voter Scorecard
Please forward this link to all your pro-gun family members and friends around the country.
It is imperative that we get this scorecard into the hands of as many gun owners as possible!
Time is Short — Forward this Alert to Your Pro-Gun Contacts!
Dear Friend:
We are now 21 days away from the General Election.
The anti-gun Left is hopping-mad, now that Judge Brett Kavanaugh has been confirmed to the Supreme Court.
They are motivated to get to the polls this November.
So it is crucial that you and your pro-gun friends get to the polls.
And that’s why GOA is putting the 2018 Congressional Voter Scorecard into your hands.
There is a lot that’s riding on the line.
If the Democrats take over the Congress, Nancy Pelosi has already said that passing gun control is one of her top priorities.
But we have an ace up our proverbial sleeve.
According to a recent study, the gun issue is an incredibly powerful, motivating issue in politics.
The study reported that gun owners are more likely to show up to vote than those who support gun control.
This is encouraging news.
Having said that, gun owners can’t make informed choices if they don’t know who the pro-gun candidates are.
So to that end, Gun Owners of America has released the recent voting records of your congressman and senators.
Click here to see the congressional scorecard, which includes the grades of every congressman and Senator who is up for reelection — and their challengers.
To see how your congressmen voted on particular issues, go to the House and Senate voting records on the GOA website.
And go here to see a complete list of congressional candidates who are endorsed by GOA.
GOA’s scorecard doesn’t sugarcoat anyone’s record.
It’s the kind of rating that you would expect from a no-compromise group like GOA.
It’s one that you can trust, because it’s only based on voting records and/or public statements by the candidates.
The time is short. We need to get this information into the hands of millions of gun owners.
Please do what you can to keep the pro-gun electorate informed.
Thank you for all your help.
In Liberty,
Erich Pratt
Executive Director
Follow me on Twitter: @erichmpratt
P.S. Please forward this email to your pro-gun family and friends. GOA is pulling out the stops to get no-compromise candidates elected around the country. So please consider chipping in $20, $50, or $100 so GOA can keep up the pressure in important races across the country.