Spotlight on ATF perjury…again
I missed an important post last week on attorney David T. Hardy’s website, Of Arms and the Law:
[A]n ATF supervisor, and lead supervisor on the case, has testified that investigators perjured themselves to get a wiretap order…
The Modesto Bee had the story. Here’s the set-up:
[A] one-time Stanislaus County sheriff’s deputy who built a criminal empire out of his Denair motorcycle shop, maintaining power through fear and violence — and with help from Hells Angels and crooked lawmen.
Yet another example of the “Only Ones” past and present being more trustworthy to bear arms than you or I…?
So how did the BATFU professionals handle it?
An agent from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is expected to tell the court that investigators lied in order to get permission to put a wiretap on Holloway’s phones…
When [Vince] Cefalu spoke up about the “unethical and illegal” actions, he was removed from the case…
The story references an interesting website,, which tells us:
Managers, Counsel, Internal Affairs and staff of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives (BATFE or “ATF”) have repeatedly given false testimony, concealed substantial waste, fraud and abuse, abused their lawful authority, and waged systematic campaigns of reprisal against their own employees that dare to speak out. This website is intended by members of the ATF community to promote restoration of integrity, accountability and responsibility to ATF’s leadership, and regain the trust of the American taxpayer.
Interesting indeed. And while the goal is laudable, some of us don’t see how that can be done, nor how the agency’s functions can be considered even remotely Constitutional, and would prefer to just Boot the BATFE.
This is not the first time Gun Rights Examiner readers have learned that we can’t trust ATF under oath.
Who wants to bet it will be the last?
UPDATE: It’s pointed out in “comments” that the perjury charge is leveled against FBI investigators, not ATF investigators. ATF’s reported action has been to remove the whistle-blower.
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David Codrea is an Examiner from the National Edition.