Will Some Pro-gun Reps. Try to Kill Constitutional Carry?
Tell Your Representative Not To Go ‘Wobbly’
Click on the Take Action button to urge your Representative to cosponsor H.R. 923 — the Stutzman reciprocity bill that will protect Constitutional Carry and not force gun owners to get registered like sex offenders (as other reciprocity bills would).
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‘Stockholm Syndrome’ Afflicts Capitol Hill, Jeopardizes Pro-gun Reforms
With your help, we are starting to get their attention on Capitol Hill.
There are now several dozen Congressmen who have cosponsored H.R. 923, which is Rep. Marlin Stutzman’s bill to enable concealed carry reciprocity from coast to coast.
Stutzman’s bill in the House — along with the companion bill in the Senate (S. 498, introduced by John Cornyn) — are the ONLY reciprocity bills in the Congress that will protect the ever-growing number of Constitutional Carry states.
Constitutional Carry enables law-abiding citizens to carry firearms concealed, without first getting a permit or being registered like sex offenders.
And while many concealed carry reciprocity bills in Congress would allow citizens to carry firearms outside of their home states, only the Stutzman-Cornyn bills enable people from permitless carry states to do so without a license.
Representatives Stutzman and Cornyn have truly captured the Second Amendment vision of the Founding Fathers.
But some pro-gun congressman are suffering from a type of “Stockholm syndrome,” where prisoners become so oppressed that they begin to think like their captors.
There are some pro-gun members of Congress who have allowed anti-gun crazies like Chuck Schumer to convince them that the freedom citizens enjoy in Constitutional Carry states is just too much.
According to them, that freedom needs to be curtailed and citizens must be registered like sex offenders before they can exercise their right to bear arms outside of their home state.
That’s nonsense.
Licensing and background checks don’t stop criminals from acquiring or carrying guns. And ultimately, they give officials a potential registration list of gun owners that frequently get abused:
* Remember when a New York newspaper printed the addresses of gun owners in 2013?
* Or remember when Delaware police used records retained from background checks to determine that an elderly woman was a first time gun buyer — and, thus, ineligible to purchase a weapon because of her “age and gender”?
Help GOA spread the word to millions of additional gun owners, to rally a wave of support for concealed carry reciprocity.
Reciprocity Legislation Must Protect the Constitutional Carry States
The above stories of registration and abuse are just the tip of the iceberg.
But gun grabbers would have us believe that pro-gun jurisdictions like Vermont — which was the first Constitutional Carry state in the country — are responsible for illegal guns going into places like New York.
Of course, this is a total lie. The reality is that no background check or licensing system is going to stop bad guys from purchasing and carrying firearms.
So why should we settle for a weaker alternative to the Stutzman-Cornyn bills? Why should we accept a compromise reciprocity bill that forces good citizens living in Constitutional Carry states to get licensed and taxed before carrying firearms out-of-state?
If your state doesn’t recognize Constitutional Carry right now, wouldn’t you like your state legislators to adopt such a law?
But the truth is: It will become LESS LIKELY they’ll do so if the U.S. House of Representatives successfully pushes reciprocity legislation that doesn’t protect permitless carry states.
That’s why we need to remind congressmen — especially the “pro-gun” Representatives in the House — how totally ineffective background checks have been (for gun purchases or carry permits).
Background Checks: Ineffective, Unconstitutional and Dangerous
Background checks were sold to gun owners as a bill of goods in the 1990s. But consider how ineffective (and dangerous) they have become to our Second Amendment rights:
1) Roughly 95% of NICS denials are “false positives,” which means most of the people who are being denied are not the people that want to hold up the neighborhood grocery store.
2) For the last year on record, only 13 prohibited persons were convicted for trying to illegally purchase a gun — when more than ten million guns were sold.
This is not surprising, since good people can be denied their Second Amendment rights for outstanding traffic tickets (that result in a bench warrant) … for having the same name as a bad guy … or for having engaged in a bar fight 50 years ago.
3) Because of the NICS system, there are now more than 250,000 military veterans who can NOT purchase firearms from a gun dealer — and the Obama Administration is preparing to disqualify tens of thousands of otherwise law-abiding seniors in similar fashion.
4) And what if you’re blocked from buying a gun because you’re illegitimately denied by the NICS check? Well since last year, reports USA Today, the Obama administration has illegally diverted every single one of its FBI appeal examiners to other duties, making it impossible for the agency to overturn your denial.
So there you have it. Gun control is denying the rights of law-abiding Americans, while not making us any safer.
Just look at the Constitutional Carry states from coast-to-coast. They are not experiencing spikes in crime because of their permitless carry laws.
Criminals are going to carry no matter what. They don’t need a concealed carry law to enable them to carry firearms.
But Congressmen suffering from the “Stockholm syndrome” want pro-gun states like Vermont to change their laws and start registering gun owners before they carry firearms.
For this reason, we are asking you to renew your efforts — this time to the House of Representatives only.
It’s imperative that they hear a groundswell of support for this bill.
After all, your Second Amendment rights don’t stop at your state border!