Texas Rep. Culberson Can Single-handedly End the Schumer Gun Ban

It’s Time to End the Schumer Gun Ban! 

Urge Texas Rep. John Culberson, who is the Chairman of an all-powerful appropriations subcommittee, to delete anti-gun language from the omnibus bill that is disarming Americans all over the country:

1. If you live in Rep. Culberson’s district, please click here to send him an email.

2. If Rep. Culberson is NOT your Representative, please copy the pre-written letter below, click here to email him, (Link no longer active) and then paste the letter in the comment box.

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Texas Rep. Culberson Can Single-handedly End the Schumer Gun Ban

Dear Friend,

At a time when Democrats are falling over themselves to release drug traffickers from prison — and then to recruit them as Democrat voters — they are working equally hard to make sure many non-violent offenders are barred from ever getting their Second Amendment rights restored.

I’m talking about “white collar” offenders who are truly non-violent — some of whom never even spent a day in prison.

I’m talking about people who have done their community service and paid their debt to society.  But now, they are permanently barred from hunting or defending their homes.

You never know when you will be in the same situation as the 257,000 military veterans who lost their gun rights.  These veterans suffered from maladies such as PTSD and became innocent victims of draconian gun laws.

But when that happens, federal law prevents you from getting your rights restored!

In 1986, the Firearms Owners’ Protection Act allowed a person who was prohibited from ever owning a firearm to petition the ATF — and then a federal court — to restore their constitutional rights to keep and bear arms.  They had to prove that they were not a danger to themselves or others — and this is not a low bar.

But for federal offenders convicted of minor regulatory offenses — or offenders from non-expungement states like Wisconsin — it was the only realistic shot that they would have of ever again hunting with their kids or protecting their families.

Since the early 1990’s, however, an appropriations amendment by now-Senator Chuck Schumer has defunded the only real avenue these Americans have for restoring their rights.

And, although the Schumer amendment runs year-to-year, it has been regularly re-appropriated every year for the past two-and-a-half decades.

The Power of a Committee Chairman

This year, GOA has asked that the Schumer amendment be deleted from the Omnibus Appropriations Bill scheduled to be considered by the full House during the week of April 24.

Texas Rep. John Culberson (R) is chairman of the Science-Justice-Commerce Appropriations Subcommittee, and he has the power to delete the Schumer amendment from the “chairman’s mark” of the Justice portion of the Omnibus Appropriations Bill, should he choose.

The question becomes:  Why would any gun-loving American continue this abominable amendment which, just out of spite, guarantees that certain regulatory offenders will spend the rest of their lives as second-class citizens?

The fact is that many of these “crimes” are products of the regulatory Nanny State — and shouldn’t even be crimes.  Many of them do not even require that the “offender” acted “knowingly.”

And, even if the Schumer amendment were repealed, a person desiring to get their guns back would have to prove to the ATF or to a court that they represented no danger.

Virtually every state allows offenders to expunge their records or restore their rights.  And it is only through the pettiness of anti-gun zealot Chuck Schumer that federal offenders — or residents of non-expungement states like Wisconsin — are not accorded this same opportunity.

So please urge the Subcommittee Chairman, Rep. John Culberson, to delete the anti-gun Schumer amendment from the Justice portion of the Omnibus Appropriations Bill.

1. If you live in Rep. Culberson’s district, please click here to send him an email.

2. If Rep. Culberson is NOT your Representative, please copy-and-paste the pre-written letter below — then click here to email him (Link no longer active) using his webform.

Thanks so much for your help in this important endeavor.


Tim Macy

———- Pre-written letter ———-

Subject:  Please delete the Schumer gun ban

Dear Rep. Culberson:

As the subcommittee chairman of the Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations, you have the power to delete anti-gun language from the omnibus bill that is disarming Americans all over the country.

I would ask you to remove the so-called Schumer amendment from the Justice portion of the Omnibus Appropriations Bill.  This anti-Second Amendment language makes it impossible for many Americans to get their Second Amendment rights restored.

I’m talking about “white collar” offenders who are truly non-violent — some of whom never even spent a day in prison.

I’m talking about people who have done their community service and paid their debt to society.  But now, they are permanently barred from hunting or defending their homes.

In 1986, the Firearms Owners’ Protection Act allowed a person who was prohibited from ever owning a firearm to petition the ATF — and then a federal court — to restore their constitutional rights to keep and bear arms.

They had to prove that they were not a danger to themselves or others — and this is not a low bar.

But since the early 1990’s, an appropriations amendment by now-Senator Chuck Schumer has defunded the only real avenue these Americans have for restoring their rights.

The question becomes:  Why would any gun-loving American continue this abominable amendment which, just out of spite, guarantees that certain regulatory offenders will spend the rest of their lives as second-class citizens?

The fact is that many of these “crimes” are products of the regulatory Nanny State — and shouldn’t even be crimes.  Many of them do not even require that the “offender” acted “knowingly.”

Even if the Schumer amendment were repealed, a person desiring to get their guns back would have to prove to the ATF or to a court that they represented no danger.

It makes no sense to keep this appropriation rider in the omnibus.

So please delete the anti-gun Schumer amendment from the Justice portion of the Omnibus Appropriations Bill.
