GOA Ratings And The Hostettler Law

Hostettler’s “Gun Owner Protection Act” Becomes Law!
— Get GOA’s Voter Scorecard to check on your local races

ELECTION ALERT: Go to http://www.gunowners.org/votetb.htm on the GOA website to check out your Representative and Senators’ grades. Check http://www.gunowners.org/cgv.htm to see how they voted.

(Thursday, November 2, 2000) — Great news! Representative John Hostettler (R) this week secured a tremendous victory for gun owners when his “gun owner protection act” was signed into law.

The need for this legislation began earlier this year, when President Clinton imposed a vast array of new gun restrictions upon gun owners — restrictions that came about as part of the horrendous deal he cut with gun maker, Smith & Wesson.

Thankfully, Hostettler responded to this sell-out by crafting legislation to protect your rights. He worked hard to get it passed into law. On Monday, Hostettler’s “gun owner protection act” became law.

Clinton wanted the sell-out deal with Smith & Wesson to become a model for other gun makers. He was hoping that other manufacturers would “voluntarily” agree to impose further restrictions upon decent people like yourself. Clinton wanted to bypass the Congress and use private industry to tighten the noose around the necks of gun owners.

But something happened on the way to the gallows. John Hostettler forced his legislation through the Congress and by the President. His legislation (attached to the Defense Authorization bill, H.R. 4205) will prevent the DoD from rewarding S&W with fat government contracts when they buy their service weapons. Thus, the major incentive for other gun makers to join S&W is now gone. And the chances that President Clinton can get other gun dealers to impose restrictions upon folks like yourself are virtually gone.

All of this thanks to Rep. John Hostettler. He has, almost single-handedly, quashed the President’s plans to bypass Congress and impose draconian curbs upon our gun rights. Gun owners should thank Rep. Hostettler for his tireless defense of the 2nd Amendment.

Pro-gun Voter Guide Rating Now Online!

Now you can get behind the rhetoric your Representative and Senators are dishing out and hold their feet to the fire.

When you go to http://www.gunowners.org/votetb.htm on the GOA website, you will find a Congressional rating that doesn’t look at what they say. It analyzes what they’ve done.

This rating is a valuable tool. Please use it. If your representative or senator has anything less than an “A,” look for his or her bad votes. (You can find their votes at http://www.gunowners.org/cgv.htm on the GOA site.)

We need to hold incumbents accountable for their voting record.

That is why in this rating GOA has included not only each Congressman’s grade, but also his or her record on just some of the key votes relating to your Second Amendment rights.

And then there are the challengers.

GOA has asked the tough questions of challengers to formulate this rating. We have also looked at their records while holding lower office (if applicable).

So please, study this rating. Make copies of it and hand it out.

And don’t forget to vote on Election Day — Tuesday, November 7, 2000.