Gun Owners of America Nevada Alert
Vote for Sharron Angle for Senate
This is it. We’re finally down to the last hours before Election Day.
Gun Owners of America urges all Nevada friends of the Second Amendment to cast their vote for Sharron Angle for U.S. Senate.
Sharron Angle is the right choice for gun owners and sportsmen. She earned an “A” rating from GOA for her unwavering commitment to the right to keep and bear arms during her service in the Nevada legislature.
Angle will oppose any bill in Congress that restricts your gun rights, and she will also oppose any nominee for the Supreme Court or other office who does not respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Sharron’s opponent, Harry Reid, earned an “F” rating from GOA for his unrelenting attacks on the Second Amendment.
Thanks to Reid, we have two new Supreme Court Justices who are extremely hostile to gun rights. He also gave us an Attorney General who wants to reinstate the Clinton gun ban, and a “regulatory czar” who wants to ban hunting.
In fact, over the course of his career, Harry Reid has cast over 40 votes against the Second Amendment! It’s time for a new Senator in Nevada, one who will always vote to protect your gun rights and who will not place partisan politics ahead of the Second Amendment.
The choice for Nevada’s gun owners is clear: Please vote for Sharron Angle for U.S. Senate on Tuesday.
And the second most important thing you can do is to remember to make sure all of your pro-gun family and friends vote for Sharron Angle as well.
Tim Macy