ACTION ALERT: Contact the Texas Senate TODAY for Constitutional Carry!
ACTION ALERT: Contact your State Senator and Lt. Governor Patrick today and ask them to get Constitutional Carry moving in the Senate!
Dear Friend:
The Texas legislature is now in session. This starts our 140-day countdown to get Constitutional Carry passed in Texas. I’m working hard, but I need your help!
The Senate has not yet filed a Constitutional Carry bill. I’ve been meeting with Senate offices lately, and I’m hearing a lot of them say things like “we’re not sure our constituents want Constitutional Carry.”
It should be obvious, based on the huge grassroots momentum we’ve seen on Constitutional Carry in the past several years. But apparently they need a reminder.
So I need you to reach out immediately to be SURE they know that you care about this issue and that they must prioritize passing Constitutional Carry in Texas!
Each legislator’s office keeps a record of the number of people who contact them supporting or opposing each issue. We need to prove that we do have large numbers in support of true gun rights. Even if you already know where your Senator stands, you still need to contact them to add to the official record.
If you already legally own a handgun, of course you should be able to carry that handgun without having to jump through bureaucratic hoops to get a government-issued permit.
The ultimate purpose of upholding the right to keep and bear arms is to defend against a tyrannical government. It’s absurd for law-abiding citizens to have to go ask permission from government to be able to bear arms.
Please act TODAY!
Thank you for helping me preserve the blessings of liberty to our posterity.
For liberty,
Rachel Malone
Texas Director, Gun Owners of America