HR 1710 And HR 666

Still Lots of Time to Order Postcards
Call 1-800-417-1486 and help defeat “terror package”

by Gun Owners of America

(Wednesday, July 26) — PUT JUDICIARY COMMITTEE ON NOTICE. When the Judiciary Committee passed the “anti-terrorism” bill in June, it seemed as though the House was on a fast-track to send the bill to the floor. But your activism and protests have helped to slow down this anti-gun bill. Rep. Henry Hyde (R-IL), who is the chief sponsor of the bill, has run into problems finding the votes to pass the bill. And Rep. Bob Barr (R-GA) told GOA recently that he does not expect the terror package to hit the floor of the House until September at the earliest.

If you haven’t ordered postcards to oppose the terror package, call 1-800-417-1486 and get postcards to distribute at gun shows, gun clubs, social gatherings, etc. According to Rep. Barr, H.R. 1710 will federalize “every crime in the country involving a gun . . . other than a simple robbery” and makes such a crime a “terrorist act.” This would mean more federal jurisdiction and more federal cops intruding into the lives of honest citizens who might use a gun in self-defense. Moreover, this bill threatens to put all gun dealers and manufacturers out of business; gives the President almost unfettered authority to designate a group as a “terrorist” organization; and gives the government greater authority to conduct wiretaps.

Listed below are the names of Representatives who voted for the “anti-terrorism” bill in the House Judiciary Committee. You can call the Capitol Hill switchboard at 1-800-962-3524, 1-800-872-8513 or 202-225-3121 to protest their votes.

House members voting for “terror package”
in the Judiciary Committee

Berman (D-CA) Frank (D-MA) Lofgren (D-CA)
Bono (R-CA) Gallegly (R-CA) McCollum (R-FL)
Boucher (D-VA) Gekas (R-PA) Moorhead (R-CA)
Bryant (R-TN) Goodlatte (R-VA) Reed (D-RI)
Buyer (R-IN) Heineman (R-NC) Schiff (R-NM)
Canady (R-FL) Hoke (R-OH) Schumer (D-NY)
Coble (R-NC) Hyde (R-IL) Smith (R-TX)
Flanagan (R-IL) Jackson-Lee (D-TX)


GET POSTCARDS TO DISTRIBUTE. In a previous fax alert we offered some postcards which you can order to take to your gun clubs, gun shows and other meetings. Some of you have asked if there’s enough time to order these postcards and distribute them before the bills listed below are voted on. Capitol Hill sources have told GOA that each of the bills listed below have been delayed, at least until the Fall. The following postcards deal with issues that affect your gun rights:

* H.R. 666, S. 3 and S. 54 — These bills would encourage the harassment of law-abiding citizens (including gun owners) by removing the incentives for officers to secure a warrant. Postcards include messages addressed to both Representatives and Senators — the names are left blank for the sender to fill in the appropriate legislators’ names. (Postcards addressed to Representatives ask them to oppose the bill if it comes back from a conference committee.)

* H.R. 1488 — Ask legislators to drop the “BATF enhancement” provision in H.R. 1488. This provision would massively expand the role of the Federal government, giving the BATF more authority and more jurisdiction. Postcards will go to House Speaker Newt Gingrich and to a Representative with a blank space for the name to be filled in by the sender.

* H.R. 1710 and S. 735 — Oppose the “anti-terrorist” bills that give BATF $100 million extra, threaten to put gun dealers and manufacturers out of business, expand the government’s wiretap authority, restrict the Posse Comitatus Act, and much more. Postcards include messages addressed to both Representatives and Senators. (Cards addressed to Senators ask them to oppose the bill if it comes back from a conference committee.)

Each set of postcards is $6.00 for the first set of 51, $4.00 for the second set, and $2.50 for each additional set of 51 postcards.

This alert was posted by Gun Owners of America, 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151, (703)321-8585, fax: 321-8408.