Rep. Louie Gohmert is Defending Your 2A Rights
Louie Gohmert Stands Up to the Leadership Bullies in Washington
Please click on the Take Action button and let Rep. Louie Gohmert know that you are grateful he is standing up to House leaders who are trying to kill Constitutional Carry reciprocity.
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House Leaders Trying to Kill Constitutional Carry Reciprocity
Washington is a city with lots of bullies — and little courage.
But last week, your congressman, Louie Gohmert, stood up to the GOP leadership. He stood up to their efforts to intimidate him into abandoning support for the Second Amendment.
The issue was whether Congress would protect Constitutional Carry states in connection with concealed carry reciprocity legislation in Congress.
The underlying bill (H.R. 986) would recognize national reciprocity for permit-holders. This is a good first step, and tracks reciprocity agreements already in effect in many states.
But what about some of the safest states in the country — states which do not require you to obtain the government’s permission in order to exercise your Second Amendment right of self-defense?
These are the Constitutional Carry states which do not force gun owners to seek permission to carry concealed.
H.R. 986 would not grant reciprocity to these residents, who do not want to be registered like sex offenders.
Interestingly, the Senate’s reciprocity bill — sponsored by the number two Republican in the Senate — is much more pro-gun than the version being pushed by Republican leaders in the House.
The Senate version would grant full reciprocity to gun owners in Constitutional Carry states.
Let Rep. Gohmert Know He Has Your Support!
So why are House Speaker Paul Ryan and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy insisting on a weaker version of national reciprocity — thereby leaving permitless states out in the cold?
The answer is that a handful of House RINO’s (Republicans in Name Only) would prefer to pretend they’re on both the pro-gun and the anti-gun side of this issue.
But this is like the tail wagging the dog. Gun policy cannot be allowed to be determined by the most anti-gun members of the Republican caucus.
There is good news, however.
When House leaders tried to intimidate Rep. Gohmert into giving in to the RINO’s demands, he stood up for principle. He refused to buckle.
Rep. Gohmert is a cosponsor of a STRONG concealed carry reciprocity bill (H.R. 923).
And he has made it clear to the leadership that he will continue to push a pro-gun amendment introduced by Rep. Steve King which is based upon the strong language in H.R. 923.
Rep. Gohmert said that he is committed to improving the weaker bill (H.R. 986), as he wants to ensure that any reciprocity legislation that passes is friendly to Constitutional Carry states as well.
But the pressure on Congressman Gohmert to capitulate is unimaginable. And he needs to hear that law-abiding gun owners like you are standing with him.
(1) Thank Rep. Louie Gohmert for his cosponsorship of H.R. 923, and for his willingness to stand up for gun owners and against the Republican leadership.
(2) Tell him that you stand behind his efforts to fight for the Steve King amendment protecting Constitutional Carry states.
You can click here to send Rep. Gohmert an email thanking him for the above items.
But if you can make a quick phone call to thank him at 202-225-3035, that would be great!
Thank you so much!