STATEMENT: Senate Should Pass Constitutional Reciprocity, Not the Traffic Ticket Gun Ban
December 6, 2017
For Immediate Release:
STATEMENT: Senate Should Pass Constitutional Reciprocity, Not the Traffic Ticket Gun Ban
Springfield, VA – Executive Director of Gun Owners of America (GOA) Erich Pratt made the following statement after the House of Representatives passed H.R. 38, which is now the carry reciprocity and background check bill:
“While Gun Owners of America appreciates the House of Representatives for passing Constitutional Carry-friendly reciprocity, GOA continues to vehemently warn congressmen about the dangers of the ‘NICS Fix’ provision, which can also be referred to as the ‘Traffic Ticket Gun Ban.’
“Hopefully, the passage of the reciprocity language in the House will serve to kill the background check language in the Senate. As recently as this week, Democrat Senator Chris Murphy said that such a combined bill would be dead on arrival in the Senate because he and fellow Democrats consider reciprocity a poison pill.
“Passing a stand-alone reciprocity bill will restore concealed carry rights and save lives. Gun owners should not see their right to protect themselves end at their state lines.
“So GOA will continue to rally our 1.5 million grassroots supporters to kill the ‘NICS Fix’ language and to pass a clean, Constitutional Carry-friendly reciprocity bill in the Senate, such as S. 446.”
To read GOA’s analysis of the current political battlefield facing gun owners, please see here.
Gun Owners of America is a nonprofit lobbying organization dedicated to protecting the right to keep and bear arms without compromise. GOA represents over 1.5 million members and activists. For more information, visit GOA’s Newsroom.
— GOA —