IOWA: Vote on Constitutional Carry this Thursday!
Call and email your state senator to support Constitutional Carry!
Join Gun Owners of America today for less than a box of ammo!
Time to Move Permitless Carry Out of Committee!
Dear First Name:
Last week, GOA’s Larry Pratt, with our friends at Iowa Gun Owners, testified before Iowa lawmakers in favor of Constitutional Carry.
And now, the Senate Judiciary Committee will be voting on Constitutional Carry this Thursday!
So grassroots 2A supporters like you need to put pressure on the Committee to pass this bill.
So please call your state senator at 515-281-3371 to support Constitutional Carry – S.F. 2106.
If your state senator is a Senate Judiciary Committee member, tell him/her to vote for this bill this Thursday! And if your state senator is not on the committee, tell him/her to vote for this bill when it comes to the floor. Be sure to mention that the bill should have no weakening amendments.
Michael Bloomberg’s gun control groups are pouring calls and emails to kill permitless carry.
Frankly, we can’t let that happen.
So after you’ve called your state senator, please follow-up with an email to make your voice heard.
Don’t let New York gun controllers kill permitless carry in Iowa.
Please call your state senator at 515-281-3371 to support Constitutional Carry, and then follow-up with an email.
Thanks in advance for your support.
In liberty,
Jordan Stein
Director of Communications
Gun Owners of America
Follow me on Twitter: @jordankstein
P.S. Gun owners in Iowa are rallying for Constitutional Carry. Consider chipping in $20, $50, or $100 so GOA can keep up the pressure.