4/00 Non-germane Gun Control Amendments to S. 2
The Honorable Trent Lott
Majority Leader
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510
Dear Senator Lott:
When S. 2 is considered by the Senate, please use the parliamentary tools at your disposal to prevent non-germane gun control amendments from being offered to that bill.
Paul Weyrich
Coalitions for America Larry Pratt
Gun Owners of America
Kevin Kearns
U.S. Business and Industry Council Gordon S. Jones
Association of Concerned Taxpayers
Martin Hoyt
American Association of Christian Schools Steve M. Antosh
Free Enterprise Institute
William Murray
Government Is Not God Laszlo Pesztor
Natl Fed. of American Hungarians, Inc.
Harry Valentine
The Capitol Hill Prayer Alert Telly Lovelace
Director, External Affairs
Coalition on Urban Renewal & Education
Jim Boulet, Jr.
English First
Organizations for Identification Only