After Scalise Shooting, a Twist: Lawmakers Want to Loosen Gun Laws

After Scalise Shooting, a Twist: Lawmakers Want to Loosen Gun Laws

“We think it boils down to safety and people being able to protect themselves,” said Erich Pratt, the executive director of Gun Owners of America,

After Scalise Shooting, a Twist: Lawmakers Want to Loosen Gun Laws

WASHINGTON — After the nation’s worst mass shootings, in Newtown, Conn.; Aurora, Colo.; Orlando, Fla.; and Columbine High School in Colorado, gun control advocates rose to demand more rigorous laws: stricter background checks, limits on magazine capacities, bans on assault weapons and tougher controls on gun shows and online firearms markets — almost always to no avail.

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But in the weeks after the June 14 shooting of Republicans at a congressional baseball practice, the response has had a twist: Conservative lawmakers, some of whom were nearly the victims of gun violence, have pressed to loosen gun controls…

“We think it boils down to safety and people being able to protect themselves,” said Erich Pratt, the executive director of Gun Owners of America, a gun rights group that is considered more conservative than the N.R.A. “The bad guys are always going to get guns.”

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