Pratt: Hate-filled heart killed the innocent, not Gun Groups
Pratt: Hate-filled heart killed the innocent, not Gun Groups
Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America says the now-dead gunman was a “hate-filled liberal atheist” who reminds him of the gunman who attempted to mass murder Republican congressmen on a Virginia ball field six months ago.
A hate-filled killer is to blame for murdering innocent churchgoers in Texas, not the firearm he used, says the leader of a gun-rights organization.
The mass slaughter of churchgoers at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs predictably reignited ongoing debate over firearms and gun laws.
Devin Patrick Kelley opened fire during the Sunday morning worship service, killing or wounding almost everyone crowded into the sanctuary.
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Authorities have said Kelley was armed with a Ruger brand AR-15, and wore body armor and a skull mask, when he methodically shot and killed people including women and young children as they lay hiding among the pews.
Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America says the now-dead gunman was a “hate-filled liberal atheist” who reminds him of the gunman who attempted to mass murder Republican congressmen on a Virginia ball field six months ago.
Pratt, Larry (GOA)”These are liberal Democrats,” says Pratt, “who are so full of hate.”
High school classmates of Kelley have said he was a strange student who was vocal about his atheist beliefs to the point that they avoided him online.
Kelley “was always talking about how people who believe in God [were] stupid and trying to preach his atheism,” a classmate said of him, The Washington Times reported.