2/25/04 GOA Calls On Senators To Strike Down Anti-Gun Amendments
For Immediate Release
February 25, 2004
Contact: Ellie McDaniel
Starting today, the U.S. Senate is scheduled to begin debate on S. 659, the gun manufacturers’ protection bill. But this will not be the only measure considered.
“Anti-gun Senators like Dianne Feinstein and John McCain are lining up to offer anti-gun amendments to this bill,” said Erich Pratt, GOA’s Director of Communications. “These provisions would include, but not be limited to, measures that will extend the Clinton ban on semi-automatic firearms or impose restrictions at gun shows.
“The semi-auto ban, contrary to popular belief, outlawed more than 180 firearms — not simply 19, as is commonly reported. Even before the Clinton ban was enacted, federal surveys showed that violent criminals only carried a ‘military-type gun’ in about one percent of the crimes nationwide. The Clinton semi-auto ban is a total fraud.
“The gun show ban is equally obnoxious,” Pratt said, “as it would outlaw the private sale of firearms at gun shows, unless the buyer agrees to submit to a background registration check.”
If the Senate were to adopt the McCain gun show language, it would effectively eliminate gun shows. The McCain language stipulates that every member of an organization sponsoring a gun show could be imprisoned if the organization fails to notify each and every “person who attends the special firearms event of the requirements [under the Brady Law].” Thus, if the person responsible for handing out “Brady pamphlets” took a break to go to the bathroom, everyone responsible for the event could be sent to prison.
“The members of Gun Owners of America are not going to sit idly by and swallow more infringements of our liberty,” Pratt said. “GOA will oppose S. 659 if any anti-gun amendments are added to it.”
GOA has already notified every Senate office that it will oppose S. 659 and rate it as an anti-gun vote if it is amended with any gun control provisions.
— GOA —
Erich Pratt is Director of Communications for Gun Owners of America, a national gun lobby with over 300,000 members located at 8001 Forbes Place, Springfield, VA 22151.
Either Erich Pratt or another GOA spokesman is available for press interviews.