GOA Ready to File Lawsuit in Massachusetts Race
SPRINGFIELD, VA — The Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, a grassroots lobby with over 300,000 members, has instructed his attorneys to prepare for a lawsuit to force the Senate to seat Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown immediately should he, as seems increasingly likely, succeed in his January 19th bid for the Senate seat previously held by Ted Kennedy.
Recent polls showing Brown pulling even with anti-gun zealot Martha Coakley have led to threats by current placeholder Paul Kirk and Democratic operatives to block the will of the people of Massachusetts until the Senate has adopted the ObamaCare bill.
“The Senate has finally descended to a moral cesspool which would embarrass a Third World despot,” said Pratt. “But, if necessary, the Gun Owners Foundation will move to ensure that gun owners in Massachusetts and across the country are not victimized by this extreme exercise in vote fraud.”
Pratt has asked attorneys to examine 42 U.S.C. 1983 -– a civil rights statute which prohibits the denial of constitutional rights “under color of law.” Federal racketeering laws and other federal statutes are also on the table, said Pratt.