Rally for Your Rights in Harrisburg, PA
Written by
Jordan Stein Published: 15 April 2019
Erich Pratt to Speak at State Capitol May 6th
Pennsylvania has been a focal point in the gun control debate.
From battling gun confiscation orders and gun registration bills, to lawless Pittsburgh city council members degrading the Commonwealth’s preemption laws, the Keystone State has been in the anti-gunners’ sight.
That’s why it’s important to show lawmakers that gun owners are serious about their Second Amendment rights.
So please join Gun Owners of America’s Erich Pratt, along with pro-gun representatives and patriots at the state capitol in Harrisburg on May 6th at 10 AM to rally for your rights.
Let’s pack the state house to show that the Second Amendment is alive and well in Pennsylvania.
We’ll see you there.