PA: Pass SB 613 to Protect Gun Stores and Ranges
Put Pennsylvanians Back to Work
All over the Commonwealth, businesses are struggling under the COVID-19 state of emergency, and the firearms industry is no exception.
And Governor Wolf’s list of essential businesses is the crux of the problem.
As you know, Gun Owners of America was instrumental in getting the firearms industry added to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) “Essential Critical Infrastructure” list dated March 28, 2020.
States use the CISA list to determine what businesses are essential during a state of emergency — and several states have reversed their previous orders to close gun stores and ranges due to the recent update.
But while Governor Wolf’s “Industry Operation Guidance” claims to conform to the CISA Essential Critical Infrastructure list, the state website link points to the earlier CISA guidance dated March 19, 2020, which DID NOT include the firearms industry.
That’s a big oversight!
And because of that, local gun stores are only permitted limited operations in Pennsylvania to effect a firearm sale or transfer by appointment only.
As written, Governor Wolf’s restrictions would not allow ammunition or other firearms accessories to be sold.
And shooting ranges are closed, too!
SB 613 fixes these problems by mandating that Governor Wolf develop an emergency mitigation plan that conforms to the CISA guidance dated March 28, 2020, that includes all of the firearms industry and shooting ranges.
Not only that, but SB 613 will help get more Pennsylvanians back to work sooner in other industries. SB 613 is a win-win for everyone.
So, please take a moment to send a message (see above) to your state representatives and Governor Wolf to pass SB 613 and sign it into law.