‘Large amounts of weapons’ may make you a gov’t target, Feds say (VIDEO)
How many firearms and firearm-related accessories do you own? How much ammo do you have stockpiled?
It’s okay, you don’t really have to tell me, but if it’s a “large amount,” you may find yourself in the crosshairs of the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI.
According to a joint ‘Suspicious Activity Reporting’ (SAR) bulletin issued by both agencies in August, intended to be disseminated to police, fire, EMS and security personnel, possession of “large amounts of weapons, ammunition, explosives, accelerants or explosive precursor chemicals could indicate pre-operational terrorist attack planning or criminal activity.”
[readon2 url=”http://www.guns.com/2013/10/24/large-amounts-weapons-may-make-government-target-feds-say-video/”]Read the rest at Guns.com[/readon2]