Steve King: Protect This Right

With the first frost, the leaves turn and begin to fall, the air is filled with the rich aroma of the crop drying down in the fields, and the hunting season is upon us. This time of year, more than any other, gives us the opportunity to reflect on the right to keep and bear arms that we enjoy because of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. In order to understand the importance of this Constitutionally guaranteed individual right to keep and bear arms, we need to understand its origins. Some of the ways we exercise our 2nd amendment rights are target shooting, self defense, gun collecting, and hunting.

While we enjoy hunting and other recreational pursuits as benefits of the right to bear arms, it is important to remember that the purpose of the 2nd amendment, as intended by the Framers of the Constitution, is to provide a deterrent to injustice and tyranny. Our Constitutional right to “keep and bear arms” is the right of the individual. This was guaranteed purposefully by our Founding Fathers to ensure that a nation of armed individuals could always act as a check against any type of tyrannical encroachment by the federal government or other power against ALL the
rights and liberties of all Americans.

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