Fight Back by Carrying Concealed and Joining GOA
Fight Back by Carrying Concealed and Joining GOA
Marlow asked how listeners could “get involved and fight back” against encroachments upon the Second Amendment… “How can people help? You can support organizations like Gun Owners of America …”
Fight Back by Carrying Concealed and Joining GOA
Tim Schmidt, president and founder of the U.S. Concealed Carry Association, was a guest on Tuesday’s Breitbart News Daily to talk about the weekend’s terror attacks. As SiriusXM host Alex Marlow noted, they were further examples of the jihadist strategy of hitting “soft targets” or “anti-gun safe spaces” featuring large numbers of unarmed victims.
“The bottom line is that gun-free zones, they simply do not work,” said Schmidt. “Criminals pay no attention to these gun-free zones. Ultimately, what happens is that only law-abiding citizens pay attention to them, so what you have, in essence, is a whole bunch of soft targets.”
“The crazy thing is that our politicians, they want to expand these gun-free zones, when the fact of the matter is that education, training, and responsible gun ownership is really the only sustainable violence-reducing solution,” he added….
Marlow asked how listeners could “get involved and fight back” against encroachments upon the Second Amendment, pointing out that its defense was as vitally necessary as sticking up for the First Amendment.
“Well, I love your thoughts about the First and the Second Amendment, and the fact of the matter is that if the Second Amendment goes away, the First will go away, as well,” Schmidt replied.
“How can people help? You can support organizations like Gun Owners of America, the Second Amendment Foundation. These are fantastic nonprofits that are fighting tooth and nail for those rights,” he suggested. “If you, yourself, want to get involved in learning how to become that responsibly armed citizen, check out the USCCA. We’re all about education, training, and ultimately, self-defense insurance for responsible gun owners.”