Helping Kim Kardashian Understand “Online Gun Sales”

Kim Kardashian West is a California socialite who is mostly famous for being famous… don’t ask me how that works, because I don’t understand the dynamics of it myself.

What does matter is that she has 34.4 MILLION followers on Twitter, and so when she says something like this…

… it matters, because many of her followers simply assume her claims to be true.

Unfortunately, Mrs. West tweeted out incorrect information, and we’re hoping that if we show her where she was misinformed, she might be gracious enough to share this article to those 34.4 million readers, many of whom were also likely misinformed.

There are a number of sites on the Internet where you can “buy a gun online.”

We’re most familiar with Bud’s Gun Shop, Guns America, and Gunbroker as sites where guns are bought and sold online, and also very familiar with local FFLs who do a large portion of their business “online.”But can you really buy a gun online? The answer is a resounding “no.”

If you go to any of the sites listed above, you’ll learn that these web sites only facilitate transactions.

They’ll let you pick out a firearm. They’ll facilitate payment for that firearm. But unlike or or other conventional goods retails, the purchase on these sites must specify a local federal firearms license (FFL) holder to actually receive shipment of the gun “bought online.”

The seller (a federal firearms licensee) will then ship the sold firearm to the receiving gun dealer (another FFL), not the buyer.

The buyer must then go to the receiving FFL, and fill out a ATF Form 4473, and then pass an FBI NICS background check before taking possession of a firearm.

You can’t really buy a gun online. You can select it and pay for it online, but you have to buy it in person, as you would any other gun from a gun shop.

Read More at Bearing Arms