What if our pilots had been armed on 9/11?
To this day, when video plays of the hijacked passenger planes crashing into the World Trade Centers, there is a hush that comes over many, and a feeling of angst that takes our minds back to that September morning. We think of the bravery of Todd Beamer and those who fought alongside him in the Pennsylvania sky, and we remember watching the black smoke rising from the Pentagon on our televisions, while so many news anchors around the world were all alike trying to calculate just how many Americans might have died in the cowardly acts committed by cowardly men.
Quick question: How would this scenario have changed if the pilots of the four hijacked airplanes had been armed?
The short answer: There’s a good chance the World Trade Centers would still be standing and thousands of Americans who died that day would still be alive.
[readon2 url=”http://dailycaller.com/2012/02/27/congressman-chip-cravaack-what-if-our-pilots-had-been-armed-on-911/#ixzz1nsPRvpBW”]Read the Full Story at Dailycaller.com[/readon2]