NH House passes middle-of-the-night gun confiscation by party line vote
Republicans Might Cave…Action Needed!
While we’re hoping that Governor Chris Sununu will be getting his veto pen ready, it is imperative that the he hears from gun owners, given he’s under immense pressure to sign a gun control compromise into law.
So please email the Governor by taking action above!
The bill is House Bill 1660, which would authorize the police (or an angry relative) to secure ex parte orders to strip gun owners of their constitutional rights, without any due process whatsoever.
Gun confiscation would be based NOT on something the gun owner had actually done, but, rather, only on a showing that there is a “clear and present danger” that they MIGHT engage in “harassing” speech which COULD cause emotional distress.
Thus, the bill establishes a “Minority Report”-type of “thought crime,” where all of your rights can be taken away by a knock on the door in the middle of the night — based not on what you have done, but on what your enemies predict you might do.
Originally drafted by the Giffords gun control people, this bill was, through most of its history, an explicit gun confiscation bill. The most recent iteration hides the fact that a judge will almost certainly order gun confiscation, probably by telephone. But no one is fooled.
H.B. 1660 was passed by a slim party-line vote of 206-144 on Wednesday. This means that a veto by Governor Chris Sununu would be easily upheld. And that a failure to veto the bill would put Sununu on the side of a unanimous phalanx of anti-gun Democrats — and against a unanimous vote by pro-gun Republicans.
Please contact Governor Sununu (above) and urge him to stand strong and veto HB 1660 should it reach his desk, and to also reverse his prior positions and veto SB 677 if that should reach his desk.
Then contact your own state senator (below) to urge him or her to oppose HB 1660 when it reaches the full senate. Legislators need to know that we are informed single-issue voters and we will not accept one word of gun control and that we see through the disguise of HB 1660.