GOA fighting “assault weapons” ban in Congress, in court
Your God-given rights are under assault – yet again.
The White House is now exploiting the three recent tragic shootings in California to gin up support for the ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN that was just introduced in the Senate.
California is one of the most anti-gun states in the nation. In fact, the type of firearm used by the shooter in Monterey Park, CA was already ILLEGAL in the state!
But that undeniable fact didn’t stop California’s governor Gavin Newsom from publicly denouncing the Second Amendment as “a suicide pact.”
Anti-gunners are no longer even trying to hide their true motives.
Their goal is the DEATH of the Second Amendment – and they will keep chipping away at your rights until you’ve been completely disarmed.
GOA is already fighting back against these unconstitutional bans on commonly-owned firearms.
We just filed a federal lawsuit challenging Illinois’ recent ban on so-called “assault weapons.” And with your help, we will stop a federal assault weapons ban from landing on Joe Biden’s desk.
We’re not even one full month into the new year, and anti-gunners are waging war on our God-given rights…
…The ATF is dictating unconstitutional executive actions that could lead to the imprisonment of countless law-abiding gun owners and now the Senate is trying to ban so-called “assault weapons.”
Last year, 15 Republicans in the Senate and 14 in the House surrendered our Second Amendment rights and passed gun control in the wake of two tragic shootings.
Now, with three new shootings in California, we cannot risk having squishy Republicans in the Senate stab us in the back again.
That’s why GOA is already mobilizing to put pressure on the usual suspects of weak-kneed Republicans to stop this assault weapons ban from landing on Joe Biden’s desk.
But we’re going to need your support to beat it.