MT: Report Senate Bill 127

Join the Fight For Liberty!

Report Senate Bill 127 from the Senate Judiciary Committee

In order to restore and preserve our God-given right to “keep and bear arms” within Montana, we must tell our elected officials to advance Senate Bill 127!

Senator Theresa Manzella, (R, SD-44) has brought back legislation that would reimburse citizens who are forced to defend themselves in court against criminal charges brought by politically motivated district attorneys who maliciously prosecute citizens for exercising their God-given right to preserve life with arms.

In typical fashion, the Montana County Attorneys Association have voiced their opposed the bill, as have the Montana Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association.

These corrupt left leaning political unions are putting significant pressure on legislators to kill S.B. 127. We must let those weak legislators know that “We the People” demand that they secure our rights against such usurpations.

Please use the link below to the Montana Legislative Services website to contact the committee members to let your voice be heard!

Montana Committees Public Participation

  • Usher, Barry (Chair) (R)
  • Ricci, Vince (Vice Chair) (R)
  • Andrea Olsen (Vice Chair) (D)
  • Emrich, Daniel (R)
  • Lammers, Gayle (R)
  • Manzella, Theresa (R)
  • Neumann, Cora (D)
  • Olsen, Andrea (D)
  • Smith, Laura (D)
  • Vinton, Sue (R)

The weaponization of the courts has reared its sullen face in self-defense cases across the nation. Most notably, one can call to mind the recent high-profile cases that involved Kyle Rittenhouse and Daniel Penny.

In the wake of these national cases, one is beginning to witness a disturbing trend within the Leftist-dominated judiciary and the enforcement agents of executive branch. Urban areas within most States have now witnessed these types of malicious prosecutions.

This diabolical drift towards the criminalization of self-defense seeks to ensure that the right to defend life with arms becomes so exorbitantly expensive that the average citizen will shy away from exercising their rights all together out of fear that they will be financially ruined by the subsequent court proceedings.

As one can observe there are significant problems related to the political weaponization of the courts, and S.B. 127 affords individuals who use or threaten to use force in self-defense reimbursement of reasonable costs and expenses involved in their legal defense.

Simply put, the bill strengthens the legal protection for individuals who are compelled, through no fault of their own, into a position of having to exercise their God-given right to defend their life, liberty, and property with arms.

The passage of S.B. 127 will help to ensure that the citizens of Montana have the most robust protection for the right to defend life afforded under our positive law system, as well as a mechanism for judicial relief when that right is violated by a government official. Moreover, the bill ensures that individuals, who are forced into a position of having to exercise this protected right, are not penalized for doing so because an errant government official considers the consequences of self-defense as not agreeing with their ideology.

At its core, S.B. 127 ensures that justice is applied equally and that The Rule of Law remains a central pillar of our uniquely American system of justice.