MN: Omnibus Gun Control Bill Goes to the Governor!
The bill that we have alerted our Minnesota members about twice, SF 2909, has passed both chambers and is heading to the desk of Governor Walz.
And in true anti-gun fashion – gun control is hidden within a massive piece of legislation!
As a reminder, SF 2909 is an enormous omnibus bill with gun control hidden inside. This bill contains Universal Background Checks and Red Flag Gun Confiscation Orders!
Both pieces of gun control will do nothing to stop criminals, but they will harm law-abiding gun owners by delaying, or denying your right to keep and bear arms while also eviscerating due process!
With the anti-gun Democrats in control of the State Legislature and the Governor being anti-gun, we must make our voices heard, or else they won’t stop at just this legislation.
You can also politely call Gov. Walz at: 651-201-3400.