Dear Obama – GOA asks the President to investigate the ATF

goalogo125x125GOA Asks President to Investigate ATF Abuses

March 23, 2011

The Honorable Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

You had indicated in your article in the Arizona Daily Star and in subsequent comments that you were eager to meet with the Second Amendment community to discuss potential areas of agreement.

Frankly, we have no interest in negotiating with you concerning additional constitutional rights which you might want to persuade us to give away for no apparent purpose.

We are, however, willing to brief you on what we know about actions by your administration in promoting the sale and exportation of firearms which you knew (or should have known) were bound for Mexican drug cartels.

You may have seen press reports on CBS and elsewhere about a large number of current and former ATF agents who have alleged that ATF encouraged reticent gun dealers to sell firearms to persons known to be straw men for Mexican drug lords. It apparently did this, in part, so it could push gun control in Congress by demonstrating that guns used in Mexican violence came from the United States.

Finally, internal dissent with respect to this immoral policy was reportedly squashed without mercy.

We would like to know who, within your administration knew what — and when they knew it. We would also like to know of your intentions to discipline, dismiss, and prosecute the culpable parties.

As I’m sure you know, if your administration fails to act quickly, Congress has the capacity to appoint a special counsel to do it for you. I look forward to your response.

Larry Pratt
Executive Director