LA: Constitutional Carry Returned to Senate Committee
Please Take Action Immediately!
As I reported in my last alert, after being passed favorably out of Senate Committee Judiciary C, Constitutional Carry bill HB37 has now been sent to the Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Committee, where it is currently scheduled to be heard tomorrow afternoon, June 1st.
This will be the first vote taken on HB37 since the shooting in Uvalde, Texas, a horrific event which the anti-gun Left has politicized and is using as an opportunity to try and enact further gun control.
Currently in Washington, anti-gun Democrats, along with some anti-gun Republicans, are pushing to implement gun control measures, like Universal Background Checks, which would have had no effect in Uvalde, and will do nothing except impact the ability of law-abiding citizens to exercise their Second Amendment rights.
Tragic events, like what happened in Texas, show us is that NO LAW restricting a certain object is going to stop an evil, determined heart from killing. That is why the people’s right to defend themselves and others, and especially children, must be guaranteed!
Just like pro-gun Republicans in Washington, our pro-gun legislators in Louisiana will be under tremendous pressure not to support any pro-Second Amendment bills, especially Constitutional Carry bill HB37.
We must push back against the Left’s gun control narrative and let our legislators know that the best way to respond to a tragic event, like in Uvalde, is NOT to put further restrictions on law-abiding citizens, but instead to guarantee our right to defend ourselves, our families, and our communities!
That is why I am asking that you please take action and urge the Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Committee members to support and defend your Second Amendment rights by voting YES on HB37!
Below is a message you can use to send to the following committee members:
Bret Allain, Chair [email protected]
Mike Reese, [email protected]
Joseph Bouie, [email protected]
Patrick Connick, [email protected]
Eddie Lambert, [email protected]
Jay Luneau, [email protected]
Patrick McMath, [email protected]
Jay Morris, [email protected]
Rogers Pope, [email protected]
Garry Smith, [email protected]
Rick Ward, [email protected]
Louie Bernard, [email protected]
Stewart Cathey, [email protected]
Jeremy Stine, [email protected]
Dear Senator,
As a citizen of Louisiana and a supporter of Gun Owners of America, I am writing today to strongly and respectfully urge you to vote YES on Constitutional Carry bill HB37, which will be heard in the Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Committee on June 1st.
Since the horrific shooting in Uvalde, Texas, there has been a strong push to enact further gun control legislation across the country. Anti-gun politicians want to blame the instrument instead of the criminal, but tragic events, like what happened in Texas, show us is that NO LAW restricting a certain object is going to stop an evil, determined heart from killing.
The best way to respond to a tragic event is NOT to put further restrictions on law-abiding citizens, but instead to guarantee their right to defend themselves, their families, and their communities!
So, I ask you to please help guarantee my right to protect myself, my family, and my community by voting YES on Constitutional Carry bill HB37.
Once you have emailed the committee members, PLEASE CALL the Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Committee ((225) 342-6181) and ask that the committee vote YES on HB37!
In Liberty,
Joshua S. Barnhill
Louisiana Deputy Director
Gun Owners of America