Kansas Senators Moran and Marshall Helped Defeat the Most Dangerous ATF Nominee in History
As GOA announced September 9, the White House withdrew the nomination of David Chipman to be Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives!
This would not have happened without the hard work at the grassroots level of many Second Amendment supporters across America, and our Kansas members and supporters were instrumental in helping make this happen!
There has never been a more dangerous choice to lead an already out-of-control government agency like the ATF.
Chipman, a registered gun control lobbyist, has a long history (while making a very high salary) of scheming about ways to turn gun owners into criminals.
Chipman Always Has the Second Amendment in His Crosshairs.
Chipman supported, in part:
- Banning homemade firearms
- Banning so-called “assault weapons”
- Universal background registration checks
- Banning the online sales of ammunition
- Raising the age to purchase a firearm
- And much, much more…
Thankfully, on September 9, the Biden Administration withdrew Chipman’s name from consideration to be the next ATF Director.
Kansas’ Senators were key to stopping Chipman.
Chipman’s nomination was stopped because anti-gunners in the Senate didn’t have the votes. While media attention was focused on a handful of Democrat Senators who wouldn’t vote to confirm Chipman, we should remember the stalwart support of Second Amendment advocates like Republican Senators Moran and Marshall! Their vote was never in question.
David Chipman’s opposition to the Bill of Rights earned him the opposition of every Republican senator, and unanswered allegations of racism undermined his support even among Democrat senators.
Even NPR recognized the work of GOA and our grassroots activism, saying:
“The struggle to get a confirmed director on the books over the years has been due in large part to opposition from gun rights groups…
That dynamic played out again this time… Gun Owners of America… blasted Chipman’s nomination, calling him a threat to law-abiding gun owners.”
Sadly, the Biden Administration is relentless, and the fight is not over!
Unfortunately, reports indicate that,
“White House officials are trying to find another role in the administration for Chipman.”
Basically, the Biden Administration is still looking for a job for David Chipman that DOESN’T require Senate confirmation.
We are asking you to act again!
The Senate just admitted, by not voting on Chipman, that his disgust for the Second Amendment makes him uniquely unqualified to direct the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. That also means he is unqualified to hold any other public office!
Radical anti-gun activists have already begun lobbying the White House to “bypass Congress” to create a cabinet-level office on so-called “gun violence.”
The Biden Administration should cease all efforts to “find another role” for this anti-constitutional rights activist who failed to earn the support of the United States Senate.
If Senators really oppose the nomination of David Chipman to head ATF, they should also actively oppose his appointment to a non-Senate-confirmed office.
Make no mistake, the Chipman defeat for ATF Director was a victory for the millions of gun-owning grassroots activists and GOA members who voiced their opposition to Biden’s indefensible ATF Director nominee.
GOA’s members and supporters in Kansas played a huge role!
Now, please continue your critical support by contacting your Senators and let them know you demand government appointees that respect and defend our Second Amendment.
As always, Gun Owners of America will continue to stand for the Second Amendment rights of all Americans and Kansas citizens.
If you have a local Second Amendment group in Kansas and would like to have me come speak about GOA’s efforts to fight for your rights, please contact me here.