Join Guns Out TV & GOA at the Range!
Come Out This Saturday to the Range, for FREE

Make plans to attend and RSVP to Guns Out TV’s Range Day on September 17th, 8am-5pm, at XCAL Shooting Sports and Fitness, 44950 Russell Branch Pkwy, Ashburn, VA 20147.
Dear friend,
Our friends at Guns Out TV are hosting an incredible event coming up September 17th, 8am-5pm, at XCAL Shooting Sports and Fitness, 44950 Russell Branch Pkwy, Ashburn, VA 20147.
Guns Out TV is hosting a Range Day Experience like no other.
Beginning with Guns Out Cars and Coffee at 8 am, you see some of the most exclusive supercars and exotic cars in the world.
There will also be guns and gear giveaways, including a Classic Colt AR 15, Innocent Armor Backpack, a Bastinelli Blade, Retro Rifle Shirt, Danger Close Glock 19 Gen 5, and a GunsOut Range Day Staccato C.
Not only will GOA be there, some of the most popular voices in the Second Amendment community will be in attendance, such as Eric and Chad of the IraqVeteran888 YouTube channel, Jared of Guns & Gadgets, the Survival Sisters, and many more.
There will be so much more offered at this event, as we are just scratching the surface.
Simply put, you don’t want to miss out. But Guns Out TV is asking that you RSVP, so please do that here.
We hope you can make it!
In liberty,
Jordan Stein
Southeast Region Director
Gun Owners of America