09/95 Istook: Stop Welfare For Antis
Stop Anti-gun Lobbyists from Getting Federal Dollars
— Calls Needed Immediately
Gun Owners of America
(Saturday night, September 16) — On Tuesday, September 19, a House-Senate Conference Committee will decide the fate of the Istook-Ehrlich-McIntosh grants reform, which passed the House and is now pending in the conference committee on H.R. 2020 (Treasury-Postal Appropriation). If the vote were taken today, we would lose by one vote.
Why is the Istook-Ehrlich-McIntosh Amendment Important?
Your taxes are being used to fund anti-gun lobbying efforts, even if you choose to contribute to groups like Gun Owners of America, the National Rifle Association or other pro-Second Amendment organizations.
Anti-gun groups can legally receive federal grants which free up more money for their own lobbying efforts. To cite just one example, the Spring, 1995, Injury Prevention Network Newsletter urges stricter gun control laws. On page 14, the Newsletter contains an article entitled “What Advocates Can Do.” It includes the statement, “Make your support for federal, state, and local gun laws known to your representative. This may include: opposing repeal of the assault weapons ban . . . restricting ammunition availability by caliber and quantity . . . maintaining restrictions on issuance of concealed weapons permits . . .”
Who paid for this lobbying? You did! Page two of the Newsletter states “This newsletter was supported in part by Grant #R49/CCR903697-06 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”
The Istook amendment will put the pro-Second Amendment side on an equal footing with the anti-gun lobby. Anti-gun groups will have to choose between lobbying the government or getting federal grants. If they choose to lobby, they will have to raise money from people who agree with them instead of milking the taxpayers.
* Call the Senate member of the conference committee who is from the state closest to you and ask him to support the Istook amendment. Plus, EVERYONE CALL SEN. BOB DOLE and ask him to use his position as Majority Leader to influence Sen. Jeffords (R) to support the amendment. (Sen. Jeffords currently opposes the Istook amendment. If Dole’s staff doesn’t think their boss should get involved in talking to Jeffords, remind the staffer that Dole needs to make up with gun owners. Remember: “a mile’s journey always begins with a first step.”) Calls are needed on Monday (all day) and Tuesday (morning) — September 18 & 19. The Senate members of the conference committee are as follows:
Senators Phone * Fax
Shelby (AL) 224-5744 224-3416
Mikulski (MD) 224-4654 224-8858
Kerrey (NE) 224-6551 224-7645
Gregg (NH) 224-3324 224-4952
Hatfield (OR) 224-3753 224-0276
Jeffords (VT) 224-5141 ?
Dole (KS) ** 224-6521 228-1245
* All numbers (for phone and fax) begin with “202.” One can also call any of the above members by dialing 1-800-962-3524 or 1-800-872-8513.
** Dole is not a member of the conference committee.
P.S. This same conference committee has already finished deliberating on the BATF budget. They will not release the results (that is, whether the BATF got an increase or decrease) until after Tuesday.
This alert was posted by Gun Owners of America, 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151, (703)321-8585, fax: 321-8408.