Harris County Commissioner, Citing Lt. Governor Patrick, Requests Resolution to Support Expanded Background Checks

Commissioner Adrian Garcia
A resolution calling for “legislation requiring universal background checks” was reportedly requested for consideration by the Harris County Commissioner’s Court, but was not included in the final agenda for the October 29 meeting.
The resolution, requested by Commissioner Adrian Garcia (D-Precinct 2), would have indicated the county’s support for expanding background checks for “all gun sales in the State of Texas, including those that do not involve a licensed gun dealer, as well as stranger-to-stranger gun sales.”
Garcia had requested the item be added to the agenda in a letter dated October 14.
Sources within the county administration believe that although not taken up at the October 29 meeting, the resolution will be officially introduced later, possibly for consideration in November.
The resolution proposed by Garcia listed statistics of firearm-related deaths as a reason to expand background checks…
Last week, on news of a possible universal background check resolution, Gun Owners of America announced their opposition and encouraged residents to attend the meeting to speak out against it.
Several citizens who were concerned about the so-called “universal background checks” signed up to speak at the meeting, and a few were able to speak on Tuesday.
Republican candidate for Texas House District 148, Luis LaRotta, testified against expanded background checks, and defended possession of firearms for alleged victims of domestic violence.
“The best defense a woman has in an abusive relationship is an equalizer, and that is a firearm,” said LaRotta.