GOA: Ignoring civil rights is always wrong
Gov. Rick Scott broke with the NRA and Gun Owners of America when he signed new gun restrictions in March, backing new laws just three weeks after the Feb. 14 slaying at a Parkland high school took 17 lives.
One of the measures that became law is known as a risk protection order, which forcibly removes firearms from a home by court order when the gun owner is deemed to be a threat to himself or to others.
The laws are also known as “red flag laws” and Florida is leading the country with confiscation cases, Bearingarms.com reports.
Mike Hammond, legislative counsel for Gun Owners of America, tells OneNewsNow these gun confiscation orders come from secret proceedings.
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“In which you’re not invited to determine whether you should be stripped of your constitutional rights,” he complains. “It’s not just your Second Amendment rights, but your Fourth Amendment rights and your Fourteenth Amendment rights, by a secret decree.”