Feds Halt Sales of Homemade Guns Before August Rule Is Implemented
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) has told one of the nation’s largest homemade firearms parts retailers, JSD Supply, to stop selling its products.
The move comes more than three months before President Joe Biden’s controversial “ghost gun” regulation goes into effect on Aug. 24, 2022.
The new rule, which is expected to be challenged in court, bans the business of manufacturing unserialized “buy-build-shoot” kits that can be purchased without a background check. The so-called ghost guns contain parts that can be assembled into a gun.
These kits will now be considered firearms under the Gun Control Act.
Pennsylvania-based JSD Supply received a letter from ATF dated May 9, 2022, ordering the company to immediately cease and desist the sale of full sets and parts that could be converted into a functioning firearm.
The letter has caused the company to shut down its operation.
“ATF has held that kits which include all components necessary to produce a functional firearm, including the jig or template used to finish the unfinished frame or receiver, the slide assembly, and the necessary components to complete the frame or receiver are themselves properly classified as firearms under the Gun Control Act,” the letter says…
JSD Supply has filed a case in the U.S. District Court against ATF and the U.S. Department of Justice, seeking an injunction to remain open.
The court filing says the ATF has recognized and expressly sanctioned, the unregulated sale of every single product that JSD Supply offers for sale.
“ATF has specifically and repeatedly explained that firearm parts such as barrels, triggers and springs are not firearms under federal statutory law including the Gun Control Act,” the company’s complaint says. The ATF also has specifically and repeatedly determined that the 80 percent frames and receivers which the company sells are not firearms under the act and are entirely unregulated by the ATF…
“JSD Supply was just the first domino to fall in the ATF’s latest unwarranted action. Frustratingly, we have confirmed at least one additional company forced to halt sales and we expect more to follow,” Erich Pratt, senior vice president of Gun Owners of America (GOA) said in a statement.
“Make no mistake, this is the beginning of a political crusade against homemade firearms. Forcing small businesses across the country to close their doors with no legal authority to do so, is wrong and a blatant abuse of power,” Pratt said.
GOA is preparing a lawsuit challenging the new regulation.
“With a gun there’s only one regulated part, the frame or the receiver, and you do a background check on the frame or the receiver,” Aidan Johnston, GOA director of federal affairs told The Epoch Times. JSD Supply sells, not the regulated frame, but unfinished frames that are 80 percent complete. The company also sells all the other parts for a gun.
“JSD Supply asked the ATF if they could just stop selling the 80 percent frame and continue to sell all the other gun parts, and ATF won’t let them,” Johnston said.
Read more at The Epoch Times