Wheelchair Bound Man that Bloomberg Wants Disarmed Kills 2 Home Invaders
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Tony Olivia Published: 22 March 2015
Wheelchair Bound Man that Bloomberg Wants Disarmed Kills 2 Home Invaders
Remember, not so long ago when New York City’s racist former Mayor Michael Bloomberg went on and on about how black people commit so much crime that we need to instill more gun control in order to keep “them” under control.
If you’ve forgotten allow me to refresh your memory with these two links:
Racist Bloomberg and Crony Come Out and Say Guns Are Only For Whites
Audio: Bloomberg’s Racist Gun Control Rant
I bring Bloomberg’s past racism up now because if it was up to him, a black, 26 year old Tulsa resident would be dead, most likely along with his friend after a group of 3 men broke into his apartment.