Defend the Second Amendment, Vote for Louie Gohmert
Re-electing Louie Gohmert to Congress will make Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and the Republican establishment miserable.
That’s why Gun Owners of America is proud to endorse him for Congress in Texas’ First Congressional District.
Now more than ever, your gun rights are in existential danger.
Barack Obama has waged an unprecedented war against the Constitution, issuing a crushing tidal wave of executive actions that seek to repeal the Second Amendment, bit by bit.

It’s a never-before-seen abuse of executive power.
And Hillary Clinton vows to take it even further.
Her goal is to end private gun ownership in the United States.
And she is willing do it.
But Congressman Gohmert has been there to fight back, every step of the way.
No elected official works harder to protect your gun rights than Rep. Gohmert. And I’m not talking about words alone.
Rep. Gohmert has a perfect, 100% pro-gun voting record.
And he is also not afraid to take on leaders of his own party who are willing to cut deals that compromise your gun rights.
No matter what the media, congressional leaders or the president say, Louie Gohmert stands behind his oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.
That’s why the anti-gun political machine, and the D.C. establishment, has targeted him for defeat.
They’re hoping to use the massive presidential year election turnout to deliver enough votes to beat him.
So please take action today to defend your gun rights.
Go to and volunteer for Louie Gohmert.
Donate to his campaign or attend one of the great events across the district.
And most importantly, make sure you and all your friends vote for Rep. Gohmert in the March 1st Republican primary.
GOA is proud to make this endorsement, and proud to stand with Louie Gohmert for Congress.
Together we will send a clear message to Washington that our gun rights are not political bargaining chips.
Tim Macy
Gun Owners of America
P.S. The decision to endorse Louie Gohmert for Congress was an easy one. He will make Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and the GOP establishment miserable.
Your liberty is at stake right now because of the actions of President Obama. And Hillary vows to take it even further.
So take action to defend our Second Amendment rights by supporting Louie Gohmert for Congress.
Paid for by Gun Owners of America. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.