Build Brady Repeal Momentum


Help Build Momentum for Brady Repeal
— Stockman bill would stop all registration of gun owners

by Gun Owners of America

(Thursday, September 12) — Even though there is less than a month left to go in Congress, we can still build some important momentum for next year’s fight to repeal the Brady Act. As you know, Rep. Steve Stockman has introduced H.R. 2470, a bill that would repeal the Brady Act, as well as prevent every imaginable form of gun owner registration. The bill even ENDS the current requirement that out-of-business gun dealers must send registration forms (4473 forms) to the BATF.

While there may be no chance of getting a vote on the Brady repeal in this Congress, we can show the House leadership that there is support for repealing this law. We must make a stronger showing now. Any Reps. that cosponsor the bill now should be willing to cosponsor the bill early next year. This will let gun owners get the ball rolling much earlier in 1997.

(We can’t just rely on the case before the Supreme Court to repeal Brady. There are a myriad of problems that could arise. Even Tuesday, one of the defendants in the Brady repeal case, Sheriff Richard Mack (AZ), was defeated in a primary. Now there will be only one sheriff left who has standing before the Court. That is Sheriff Jay Printz (MT). Thus, we need to wage this repeal battle on as many fronts as possible.)

Here is a list of the Representatives who have said on their 1996 GOA Candidate survey that they will cosponsor a bill to repeal the Brady bill, but as of yet, have failed to do so:

 Representative       Fax      Phone: 1-800-962-3524

Barcia (MI) 202-225-2168
Barr (GA) 202-225-2944
Bunning (KY) 202-225-0003
Chambliss (GA) 202-225-3013
Dingell (MI) ?
Doolittle (CA) 202-225-5444
Dornan (CA) 202-331-8986
Hansen (UT) 202-225-5857
Hayworth (AZ) 202-225-3263
Herger (CA) 202-225-3245
Holden (PA) 202-226-0996
Istook (OK) 202-226-1463
Kingston (GA) 202-226-2269
Lucas (OK) 202-225-8698
Manzullo (IL) 202-225-5284
Mascara (PA) 202-225-3377
McKeon (CA) 202-226-0683
Mica (FL) 202-226-0821
Poshard (IL) 202-225-1541
Rahall (WV) 202-225-9061
Richardson (NM) 202-226-2160
Riggs (CA) 202-225-3403
Scarborough (FL) 202-225-3414
Schaefer (CO) 202-225-7885
Taylor (MS) 202-225-7074


* Please find your Representative listed above (or another Representative from your state) and encourage him to cosponsor H.R. 2470, the Brady Act repeal (ph: 1-800-962-3524 or 202-225-3121). All the above legislators have pledged on their GOA surveys to cosponsor a Brady repeal bill, but as of yet, have not done so. Rep. Stockman’s bill, H.R. 2470, is the only one like it in the U.S. Congress. It is important that they show their support for the Second Amendment before the elections.

Note: GOA’s Webpage contains mailto links for those legislators who have e-mail.

* After you have called, you can also send a Western Union mailgram to your Representative by calling 1-800-651-1486. The mailgram urges your Representative to cosponsor H.R. 2470, the Brady Act repeal bill. (Your phone bill will be credited for $6.95.)