Will 2018 be the Year for Permitless Carry in Alabama?
Urge your state lawmakers, to support and cosponsor Constitutional Carry!
Join Gun Owners of America today for less than a box of ammo!
You Don’t Need Government Permission to Bear Arms
Dear Friend:
Good news!
Alabama State Rep. Isaac Whorton and Sen. Gerald Allen are pushing for Constitutional Carry in 2018.
Constitutional Carry is an important step toward the principle that no American should be required to seek the government’s permission to exercise his Second Amendment right to protect himself, his family, his friends, our country, and our Constitution.
Make no mistake about it: The fourteen Constitutional Carry states represent some of the safest states in the country — including Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, North Dakota, Wyoming, and Idaho.
In Arizona and Alaska, two of the earliest Constitutional Carry states, violent crime dropped 30 percent following the adoption of their Constitutional Carry laws.
Perhaps this is the reason why police favor concealed carry by a ratio of nine to one, according to a PoliceOne.com poll.
In Alabama, Jefferson County Sheriff Mike Hale is in full support of Constitutional Carry. He says, “There is no need in my opinion for a law-abiding citizen to have to purchase a permit to exercise a Constitutional Right.”
Sadly, there are some law enforcement in the state who are opposing Constitutional Carry. And yet the irony is that concealed carriers are more law abiding than police.
You can mark my words, once Alabama passes Constitutional Carry, police in the Cotton State will universally see what a benefit it is to have law-abiding citizens bearing arms.
In West Virginia, police initially resisted Constitutional Carry. But six months after the adoption of permitless carry, West Virginia law enforcement was forced to admit they hadn’t noticed an increase in gun crimes.
In states like Idaho and Maine, the police are in full support of Constitutional Carry.
So please urge your state lawmakers to support and cosponsor Constitutional Carry.
In Liberty,
Erich Pratt
Executive Director
Gun Owners of America
Follow me on Twitter: @erichmpratt
PS: Gun owners in Alabama are rallying for Constitutional Carry. Consider chipping in $20, $50, or $100 so GOA can keep up the pressure.