Thankful for all your help this year
With Your Assistance, Gun Owners Keeps the Left “Clutching their Comforters in Fear”
Not a GOA member yet? You can join Gun Owners of America today for only $20 — and this will double your contribution because of our matching fund!
Your Activism and Support are Making a Huge Difference in Washington
I hope that you had a fantastic Thanksgiving holiday.
We certainly have much to be grateful for this year — and a lot of it is because of members like you.
As gun owners, we are thankful that, so far, we have been able to stave off calls for new gun control laws.
Not only that, we have been able to advance gun rights in certain states.
The two most notable examples are North Dakota and New Hampshire, where GOA worked hard to get Constitutional Carry passed and signed into law.
At the federal level, GOA has put the Congressional leadership on notice that freedom-loving gun owners will not tolerate a single new word or sentence of gun control.
Gun Owners has taken a strong stand against firearms restrictions, and it’s made us some enemies along the way.
For example, the extremely anti-gun Senator Robert Torricelli of New Jersey (ret.) had this to say to a MSNBC audience in October: “If you are sitting at home and you are contributing to Gun Owners of America… stop giving!”
Sen. Torricelli was frustrated that GOA was lobbying Congress to oppose any new restrictions after the Las Vegas shooting.
His angst was shared by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi who stated that, “The Republicans in Congress are [a] wholly owned subsidiary [of] Gun Owners of America.”
And then there’s the very liberal Daily Kos, which had to say about GOA recently: “It’s the Gun Owners of America that keeps the Left awake clutching their comforters in fear.”
The Daily Kos was making the point that while there are other gun groups out there, it’s GOA that really strikes fear into their hearts.
Support Your Gun Rights While Shopping This Holiday Season
Your financial support is crucial to our success in defending our Second Amendment rights.
Our foundation has won important victories in the courts this year — and that includes at the Supreme Court.
More recently, I emailed you about a case which could end up allowing gun owners to legally possess suppressors, without going through the litany of federal hurdles that currently exist.
And if you have already done that, there is another way that you can easily help our legal work.
Every time you make a purchase using Amazon this holiday season, you can select Gun Owners Foundation, thus making a small contribution.
All of this is at no extra cost to you.
But the combined pennies from gun owners around the country adds up to thousands upon thousands of dollars — all of which helps support our legal work.
So you can literally help protect your gun rights this Christmas season while shopping from your armchair!
Click here to contribute to Gun Owners Foundation through AmazonSmile.
From all of us here at Gun Owners of America, thank you for helping us stay on the front lines. And please have a safe holiday season.
In Liberty,
Erich Pratt
Executive Director
Follow me on Twitter: @ErichMPratt
PS: Thanks for all your help and support this year. I hope that you will consider getting more activists into the fight by ordering a GOA gift membership for a pro-gun friend or family member — remembering that all such memberships are doubled because of the Matching Fund!