Gun Banners Unleashing an All-Out Assault on the Second Amendment
ACTION: Click here to send a pre-written letter to your Representative and Senators, letting them know that Americans do not support “one word” of gun control. This is an “all hands on deck” moment. We NEED YOU to take action and tell your Congressman and Senators to withstand the Obama-media’s campaign for more gun control.
Anti-gun liberals are about to unleash an all-out assault on your gun rights.
You saw Obama’s angry rant after the latest shooting in a gun-free zone.
The President declared all-out war on the Second Amendment, even suggesting that we should follow Australia’s example — a country that confiscated firearms from law-abiding citizens.
GOA in the News
Gun Owners of America prepared a blistering response to the President, which can be read here.
Subsequently, GOA was asked to address the nation in USA Today, and we have taken our “guns save lives” message to the airwaves all over the country, including CNN, Armed American Radio and Latino TV.
The President wants the eradication of guns to be his legacy.
And intense pressure that is being exerted inside-the-Beltway in Washington could coerce Congress into fighting on his side.
That is, unless we can stop them.
Harry Reid attacks GOA
We stopped Obama in 2013.
In fact, Senator Harry Reid just attacked Gun Owners of America this week because of our role in stopping gun control, right after the Sandy Hook tragedy.
Reid still remembers 2013 vividly, when the loud outcry from GOA members and activists made it IMPOSSIBLE for other gun groups to compromise.
At the time, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said:
“You’ve got Gun Owners of America which is way to the right of what the NRA is. It makes it hard for the NRA to be reasonable.” (Nevada Public Radio, April 6, 2013)
Harry Reid is still sore that “not one word” of gun control passed.
Media credits GOA as the “Gun Control Slayer”
The establishment was shocked. If you remember, EVERYONE in the media — even some gun groups — were conceding that new gun control restrictions were “inevitable.”
But Gun Owners of America never conceded one inch. The message that YOU helped us deliver was “Oppose EVERY word of gun control.”
The effort paid off, as acknowledged by several media outlets:
* “Democrats Blame ‘Gun Owners of America’ for Gun Control Setback.” — TPM, April 8, 2013
* “According to conservative staffers, Gun Owners of America was the most active outside group in early efforts to block all gun control efforts.” –– The Examiner, April 28, 2013
* “Democratic staffers likewise [said] that other Republicans they’ve approached to co-sponsor a background check bill were quick to point to the GOA as the most obvious reason not to.” — Slate, April 4, 2013
Not a GOA member yet? You can join Gun Owners of America today for only $20!
That was 2013. Now, it seems that anti-gunners are trying to resuscitate the old “it’s inevitable” mantra that almost succeeded two years ago.
Just peruse almost any news station this week, and you will see the renewed push for restricting your gun rights.
Well, let them try. We defeated them once. It can be done again.
But we need your help.
It’s time for “All hands on deck”
Many GOA activists took action in 2013, responding to our email alerts and sending multiple communications to their elected legislators.
And there are many who continue to take action to this very day.
But there are still some who haven’t been taking action on our alerts.
If there is ever a time we need your help, it’s now.
This is an ALL OUT BATTLE, where we need YOU to contact your elected officials in Washington.
Why? Because they are under intense pressure.
GOA has made it VERY easy to take action. All you have to do is go here to send an email to Representative and Senators with just a couple clicks of your mouse.
When the screen loads, you just type in your address. Why does it ask for that? Because your address determines which legislator will get your email. Legislators will NOT read any mail sent from you that does not have an address.
They don’t care about any messages that come from outside of their districts.
That’s why it’s so imperative that you let them know you are one of their constituents … and that you will “remember in November” if they vote to eviscerate the Second Amendment.
Please Take Action by clicking on the link here and sending your email to your Representative and Senators. We want to inundate every legislative office with thousands of communications from pro-gun constituents in the districts.
The pre-written text for this first volley is short-and-sweet. But we will provide you even more sample letters over the next few weeks, and add more detail to explain the horrendous legislation that your elected officials need to oppose.
The good news is that once you enter your address and click the “Remember Me” box, you won’t have to enter your address again.
So the next time it will literally take seconds to send an email, thereby joining your voice to the tremendous throng of gun owners nationwide who are putting the “heat” on their legislators.
Thank you!
In liberty,
Erich Pratt
Director of Communications
Gun Owners of America
P.S. We try to make it easy as possible for you to take action. But nothing happens without you. Please click here and take action today!