Three Gun Control Bills Ready for Floor Vote
Three Gun Control Bills Pass out of Committee
As we recently told you, the House Judiciary Committee has passed three gun control bills that can now be brought up at any time for an official floor vote:
? Red Flag gun confiscations
? Ban on high-capacity ammunition magazines
? Prohibiting those guilty of political incorrectness to own firearms
And anti-gunners are playing dirtier than ever before…
Nancy Pelosi is claiming that “PEOPLE ARE DYING” every day that Republicans refuse to vote for her anti-gun bills. She hopes that if she turns up the heat enough, spineless RINOs will drop to their knees and surrender our rights.
We can’t let the violent rhetoric of the anti-gun mob drown out the voices of millions of honest Americans who believe in the Second Amendment.
CNN had the audacity to biasedly call these rights-shredding bills “gun violence prevention legislation.”
Taking guns out of the hands of honest Americans will do NOTHING to prevent violence.
Deranged evil-doers who seek to inflict harm upon the innocent will never, ever surrender their guns.
Want to know how to actually prevent violence?
…By passing “Constitutional Carry” just like the state of Maine did, and — four years later — is now ranked the SAFEST STATE IN THE NATION.
And ranked second and third are Vermont and New Hampshire, two more “Constitutional Carry” states that cherish our God-given rights.
But instead of expanding the Second Amendment, Congress now has three gun control bills that can be brought up at any time. Of course, Pelosi will probably wait until the next shooting to do so.
But rest assured, these are three bills that would prevent honest and brave Americans from carrying firearms — leaving everyone (except mass shooters) more vulnerable.
Your country needs you at this decisive moment.