Make Constitutional Carry a Priority in Texas
Gov. Abbott Must Add Constitutional Carry to the Agenda of the Special Session
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Gov. Abbott Must Add Constitutional Carry to the Agenda of the Special Session
Dear Friend:
Gun owners are perplexed, after Texas Governor Greg Abbott called a special session of the legislature (starting July 18) to deal with a long list of issues — but failed to include Constitutional Carry in that list.
Abbott’s list ranges across many issues but omitted one of the most important issues to Texan gun owners: Constitutional Carry.
Constitutional Carry has now been openly adopted by 14 states across the country. At its core, Constitutional Carry stands for the proposition that Americans should not be required to get the government’s permission in order to protect themselves or families.
Following adoption of Constitutional Carry in Arizona and Alaska, violent crime went down roughly 30%. So, it is not surprising that 90% of America’s law enforcement professionals favor concealed carry, according to a recent survey.
Furthermore, it is widely assumed that Constitutional Carry would easily pass if the legislature were allowed to vote on it. However, it was blocked from consideration by Texas’ Speaker Joe Straus and other leadership.
But Constitutional Carry is still salvageable. Former Governors, such as Rick Perry, have added items to the agenda of a special session after it was called. And it’s not too late for Abbott to do the same.
Tim Macy
Gun Owners of America